Tap on Favorites, Recents, or the Voicemail section next to the number or contact you wish to block.As for blocking someone from iMessage, we have already discussed that in detail, so what’s left is to block them from calls, FaceTime, and Emails. If you are still getting texts from blocked numbers on your iPhone, make sure you block the contact from every other medium where you might still get access to reach you. This is yet another viable way to deal with this issue. Note that you cannot open any links in a message from unknown senders till you add them back to your contact or reply to their text.
#Imessage block number how to
As for how to soft reset your iPhone, here are the steps: Often, the altered settings do not register on the device, and a soft reset helps reaffirm your choices. This often manages to finally execute the settings you have opted for, in this case, blocking someone. This means you need to turn off the device and turn it back on again. If you are asking, “why am I still getting texts from a blocked number,” try soft reset as a way out. Make sure you follow the steps diligently, and you should be able to get to a viable fix soon. Here’s how to go about it if you are still getting texts from blocked numbers on your iPhone: 1. There are a few tried and tested ways to resolve this issue, and we have seen them work. Many iOS users, especially those with iOS 14 devices, have repeatedly complained about still receiving texts from blocked numbers. How to Fix a Blocked Number Still Texting Me on iPhone? If they are an iOS user, they will not even see a “delivered” note on their iMessage, though they might see your chat bubble turn green (SMS) from blue (iMessage). If the blocked number tries to text you, the messages won’t go through. What Happens If You Block Someone on an iPhone?Īs soon as you block someone, technically, they should not be able to text you anymore.

Tap on the name or number again and scroll down to the bottom of the contact screen until you find “ Block this Caller.”.Click on the info icon represented by “ i.”.Tap on the contact’s name, number, or the image at the top of the screen.